Pantheon employees are the key ingredient in the work.love.give movement. To honor the spirit and committment our team brings to being the difference in the workplace and the community, we created Philanthropic Week; five days a year when each member of the team clears their calendar and heads out into streets. As a corporation, we have found these five days of paid time off not only create a sense of freedom for our team to use their skills and talents in philanthropic arenas they are most passionate about; but the energy and enthusiasm they bring with them during that time is creating a new dynamic in the nonprofit sector; for now, they are volunteers empowered and equipped with the full backing of a corporation to significantly invest in others, without having to sacrifice precious vacation time with their own family.
Pantheon is proud to be a pioneer in redefining the purpose for business by driving engagement in social innovation at both the corporate and personal level. Keep an eye out for the mighty Pantheon team as we invest in creating a difference for people and planet, and inspire others to do the same within our seven areas of influence: transportation, life essentials, hospitality, healthcare, food, faith, and education.